
Search results

  1. Training Workshop Offers Certification in Manure Handling

    of Union County in Marysville, Ohio. The event is being sponsored by Ohio State University Extension ...

  2. OARDC Scientist Receives Organic Farming Group's Top Honor and on OEFFA at OARDC is the research arm of Ohio State's College of ...

  3. Singh to Present Harris Award Seminar

    information about the Harris Award, see Kelly Elisar False True True True ...

  4. Media Advisory: PLANET Day of Service in Secrest Arboretum Tomorrow (4/22)

    help Secrest and OSU,” OLA Executive Director Sandy Munley said in a statement to members. “A ...

  5. Business Is Blooming: Cut Flower Growers Set to Meet

    large. Learn more and register at  or call 440-774-2887. Registration costs $55 ...

  6. Jill Gallion receives university Distinguished Staff Award

    Jill Gallion, information associate for Ohio State ATI’s Office of Academic Affairs, is a recipient of the 2016 Ohio State University Distinguished Staff Award. The Distinguished Staff Award recognizes 12 staff members, who have had five years of continuo ...

  7. Look to the Seal for Excellence in Ohio Wines

    Extension arm of our efforts," said Todd Steiner, OARDC program manager and outreach specialist. ... "We place a lot of effort in Extension through evaluating commercial wine samples free of charge with ...

  8. Walking Maps

    Take a walk or run and enjoy the beauty of the ATI and OARDC campuses.  ATI Central Campus Loop (.65 miles) Secrest Arboretum Scenic Pathway Loop (.66 miles) OARDC Central Campus Loop (1 mile) ATI Extended Campus Loop (1.1 miles) OARDC Extended Campus Loo ...

  9. Emeritus Profile: Fred Lendrum

    At age 80, Fred Lendrum has not slowed down much. After a 46-year career that included two stints at (and two retirements from) Ohio State ATI, Fred is keeping plenty busy with travel, mission work, and his 25-acre mini-farm west of Wooster. Fred came to ...

  10. Strip Tillage an Option for No-Till Farmers with Continuous Corn

    Extension agricultural engineer who specializes in conservation tillage practices, said that the same crops ... plowing in continuous corn production. Tony Vyn, a Purdue University Extension agronomist, offers ...
