
Search results

  1. 2018-34


  2. Farm Business Analysis Training

    be joined by some Extension educators from Cornell via the distance-learning connections available at ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-08

    ragweed, and waterhemp- and many of these populations are also resistant to ALS inhibitors.  The good news ... agribusiness and growers, and OSU weed scientists, has to be the prevention of additional infestations of ... is available on the OSU weed management website,, and the ...

  4. Southern Rust and Common Rust on Hybrid Corn: How to Tell Them Apart

    no extensive research has been done to determine damage, fungicide application, or any other ...

  5. 4-H Enrollment Forms Due

    Member and advisor enrollment forms are due to the Extension Office no later than 4:30 p.m. Other ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-29

    emerging in time to receive pollen. Pollen feeding and silk clipping by corn rootworm beetles and Japanese ... beetles can also contribute to pollination problems resulting in poorly filled tips. Incomplete ear fill ... Engineering). Extension Agents and Associates: Bruce Clevenger (Defiance), Andy Kleinschmidt (Van Wert), Barry ...

  7. Assessing the Wheat Crop for Freeze Damage

    Spring Freeze Injury to Kansas Wheat.  Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension ...

  8. Is yield jeopardized when replants result in excessive stands?

    ( However, these treatments are sometimes not applied. Following severe frosts and protracted ... 2017-14. https://agcrops.osu ...

  9. 2018-33


  10. Are Cover Crops for You? Podcast Available

    This podcast is a series of short interviews with farmers and specialists and solving problems on the farm and how cover crops can be a part of the solutions. Episodes include discussion on issues including managing herbicide resistant weeds, improving so ...
