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TWEL Andrew Kniowski Thesis
Summer ecology of the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) in an agricultural landscape Andrew B. Kniowski, MS Advisor: Stan Gehrt Thesis The majority of the summer range of the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) is within agricultural areas, yet despite known ne ...
TWEL Adam Janke Thesis
Survival and habitat use of non-breeding northern bobwhites on private lands in Ohio Adam K. Janke, MS Advisor: Robert J. Gates Thesis Despite a long history of research and accumulated knowledge of factors affecting population growth rates, conser ...
TWEL Bret Graves Thesis
Grassland bird conservation on reclaimed surface mines: Evaluating the influence of vegetation structure on distribution, nest placement and nesting success Bret M. Graves, MS Advisor: Amanda Rodewald Thesis Reclaimed surface mines represent a conse ...
TWEL William Graser Thesis
The effects of landscape structure on raccoon demographics and disease William H. Graser, MS Advisor: Stan Gehrt Thesis: Density, demographic patterns, population structure, and pathogen exposure of raccoons in the Chicago metropolitan area Human po ...
TWEL Richard Geboy Thesis
Influence of habitat conditions on nesting activity of wood ducks (Aix Sponsa) in tree cavities Richard A. Geboy, MS Advisor: Robert Gates Thesis Wood duck breeding biology has largely been studied in artificial nest boxes, but environmental influen ...
TWEL Jared Duquette Thesis
Population ecology of badgers (Taxidea taxus) in Ohio Jared F. Duquette, MS Advisor: Stan Gehrt Thesis There is a paucity of information concerning American badger (Taxidea taxus) ecology across the geographic range of this mesocarnivore. Virtually ...
TWEL Luke DeGroote Thesis
Effects of avian hematozoa on behavior and energetic condition of migratory landbirds Luke W. DeGroote, MS Advisor: Paul Rodewald Thesis: Prevalence, intensity, and pathogenicity of blood parasites in spring migrant landbirds Diseases may have a p ...
TWEL Gabriel Colorado Dissertation
Ecology and conservation of neotropical-nearctic migratory birds and mixed-species flocks in the Andes Gabriel J. Colorado, PhD Advisor: Amanda D. Rodewald Dissertation The tropical Andes are widely recognized as one of the world´s great centers of ...
TWEL Erin Cashion Thesis
Avian use of riparian habitats and the Conservation Reserve Program: Migratory stopover in agro-ecosystems Erin B. Cashion, MS Advisor: Paul Rodewald Thesis Stopover habitat may be a limiting resource for migrant landbirds in agriculturally dominat ...
TWEL Ashley Buchanan Thesis
Movements, habitat use, and stopover duration of migratory songbirds in the western Lake Erie basin of northern Ohio Ashley A. Buchanan, MS Advisor: Paul Rodewald Thesis Migration is often considered the most energetically demanding and stressful pe ...