
Search results

  1. Office Closed- Christmas


  2. Office Closed- Thanksgiving


  3. Office Closed- Veteran's Day


  4. Office Closed- Labor Day


  5. Office Closed- Independence Day


  6. BUGmobile at the Northeast Ohio Pollinator Festival

    groups Ashtabula County Soil & Water Musical Groups Food Trucks will be available for lunch OSU ...

  7. Bug Box at the Westerville Public Library

    Explore the world of arthropods with Ohio State Entomology's BUGmobile at the Westerville library on July 2 from 2-3pm! ...

  8. BUGmobile at Cleveland Pollinator and Native Plant Symposium

    Visit the BUGmobile at the Cleveland Pollinator and Native Plant Symposium  (and plant sale!) on Saturday June 22 while we celebrate Pollinator Week!  First Baptist Church of Greater Cleveland, 3630 Fairmount Blvd, Shaker Heights OH ...

  9. Fireflies & Campfire with the UTBZ at the Wooster Memorial Park

    No moon on June 29th, but dark is good for watching fireflies!  From 8:30-10:30 Carrie Elvey of the Untied Titanium Bug Zoo will lead a stroll around the prairies and nearby trails or simply relax by the fire to enjoy the show.  Please bring your own chai ...

  10. Art With Arthropods- The UTBZ at the Wayne Center for the Arts

    Stamp it, Don’t Stomp it! On June 25, learn about insect anatomy while creating stamps. We’ll use those stamps to create and decorate our canvas This session will be held at the Wayne Center for the Arts, where their talented instructors will help us work ...
