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  1. Comparison of Swine Manure and UAN as Nitrogen Sources at Side-dress for Corn Yield

    2012%20JerryKlppfensteinCornPlot%20final%20WBC.pdf 2012 Manure Manure 2012 Paulding Corn Nitrogen ...

  2. Comparison of Swine Manure and UAN as Nitrogen Sources at Side-dress for Corn Yield

    2014%20KevinSchmitmeyercornplot%20final.pdf 2014 Manure Manure 2014 Darke Blount Pewamo Nitrogen Corn ...

  3. Comparison of Swine Manure and UAN as Nitrogen Sources at Side-dress for Corn Yield Using a Drag Hose Application System

    2014%20Harrod%20Farms%20cornplot%20final.pdf 2014 Manure Manure 2014 Blount Pewamo Darke Nitrogen Corn ...

  4. Measuring the Damage Caused by a Drag Hose on Emerged Corn

    2014%20Drag%20Hose%20Plot%20OARDC%20final.pdf 2014 Manure Manure 2014 Corn Wood Hoytville ...

  5. Comparison of Fall Applied Swine Manure and 28% UAN as Nitrogen Sources for Corn Yield

    2014%20JeffDulingCornPlot%20final.pdf 2014 Manure Manure 2014 Putnam Paulding (soil type) Nitrogen Corn ...

  6. Comparison of Fall Applied Swine Manure and Anhydrous Ammonia as Nitrogen Sources for Corn Yield

    2014%20Kreinbrink%20CornPlot%20final.pdf 2014 Manure Manure 2014 Corn Nitrogen hancock Hoytville ...

  7. Comparison of Dairy Manure and UAN as Nitrogen Sources at Side-dress for Corn Yield

    2014%20AndreFarms%20cornplot%20final.pdf 2014 Manure Manure Fulton 2014 Ottokee Mermill Nitrogen Corn ...

  8. Effect of Boom Applied Dairy Manure as a Source of Supplemental Nitrogen at Side-dress for Corn Yield

    2014%20Van_Erk_Dairy%20cornplot%20final.pdf 2014 Manure Manure 2014 Paulding Hoytville Nitrogen Corn ...

  9. 2016 Ohio Corn Performance Test: Regional Overviews

    parentheses. Complete results are available online at: A bulletin containing ...

  10. The Ohio Seed Improvement Association's 78th Annual Professional Seed Grower's School/Annual Meeting- Matthew C. Roberts to Speak

    Matthew C. Roberts, AEDE Associate Professor and Extension Program Leader, will speak at the 78th ...
