
Search results

  1. Banner Photo of the Week

    This week's photo is courtesy of Joan Galbraith! Have you always wanted your adorable pet to be on the front page of our weekly newsletter? Well now you have your chance!! Any animal can be pictured, whether that be a family pet or simply your favori ...

  2. Soybean Population Study

    Soybean Population Report 2015 Final 2.pdf 2015 Soybean Soybean Soybean Planting 2015 Darke Celina Silt Loam Brookston Silty Loam drainage tillage pH Nitrogen N population ...

  3. Twin Row Soybean Populations

    Full Soybean population.pdf 2015 Soybean Soybean Soybean Planting 2015 Crawford Blount Pewamo drainage tillage pH planting ...

  4. Soybean Yields in an Modified Relay Intercropping versus Soybean Only System

    Soybean yields in an MRI versus Soybean only system.pdf 2015 Modified Relay Intercropping Soybean Modified Relay Intercropping 2015 Crawford Blount Pewamo drainage fertilizer tillage pH MRI ...

  5. Soybean Seeding Rates for Modified Relay Intercropping

    Soybean seeding Rates for MRI.pdf 2015 Modified Relay Intercropping Soybean Modified Relay Intercropping Soybean Planting 2015 Crawford Blount Pewamo drainage fertilizer tillage pH Nitrogen MRI ...

  6. Effect of Seeding Rate on Corn Yield

    2015 Fulton Corn Seeding Rate REPORT-FINAL.pdf 2015 Corn Corn Corn Planting Fulton Colwood Dixboro loam drainage tillage pH fertilizer herbicide Nitrogen ...

  7. Corn Yield Response to Nitrogen (0-250 lbs/ac)

    2015 Fulton Corn Nitrogen Rates-REPORT-FINAL.pdf 2015 Corn Corn Corn Fertility 2015 Fulton drainage Nitrogen N herbicide NUE NDVI CSNT ...

  8. The Effect of Summer Seeded Cover Crops on Corn

    8-11-16 Sundermeier summer seed covers report 2015 final.pdf 2015 Corn Cover Crops Corn Cover Crops Soil and Water Management 2015 Wood Hoytville clay loam drainage tillage Nitrogen N ...

  9. Ireland Study Abroad Apps Due Wednesday! Apply on Buckeyelink today (Main Menu: Student Self Service: OSU Study Abroad Application)!  The ...

  10. Edward S. “Beanie” Drake Scholarship

    this scholarship or to complete an application, please visit Applications are ...
