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  1. Ashtabula County Short-Season Corn Variety Test Plots

    Ashtabula County Short-Season Corn Variety Test Plots.pdf 1999 Corn Corn Performance Test Ashtabula Platea silt loam Sheffield silt loam 1999 maturity ...

  2. Comparing Nitrogen Sources and Rates on Lakebed Soils in Northwest Ohio, 1998-1999

    Comparing Nitrogen Sources and Rates on Lakebed Soils in Northwest Ohio, 1998-1999.pdf 1999 Corn Corn Corn Fertility Henry Hoytville clay loam tillage 1999 Nitrogen N ...

  3. Comparison of Manganese Sources on Soybeans

    Comparison of Manganese Sources on Soybeans.pdf 1999 Soybean Soybean Soybean Fertility Wyandot Blount Lykins drainage tillage pH fertilizer herbicide manganese ...

  4. Cover Crop Contribution to Ground Cover, Soil Nitrate, and Corn Production

    Cover Crop Contribution to Ground Cover, Soil Nitrate, and Corn Production.pdf 1999 Corn Corn Nutrient Management Cover Crops Corn Fertility Wood Hoytville clay tillage Cover Crops ...

  5. Early Planting Dates for No-Till Soybeans

    Early Planting Dates for No-Till Soybeans.pdf 1999 Soybean Soybean Soybean Planting Chili drainage tillage pH planting date ...

  6. Effects of Cover Crops and Tillage on Corn Production in Wheat Residue

    Effects of Cover Crops and Tillage on Corn Production in Wheat Residue.pdf 1999 Corn Corn Equipment and Tillage Nutrient Management Cover Crops Wood Hoytville clay 1999 Small Grain Production tillage ...

  7. Effects of Granulite Sludge on Corn Yield

    Effects of Granulite Sludge on Corn Yield.pdf 1999 Manure Corn Nutrient Management Henry tillage Clay Loam 1999 Nitrogen N nitrate ...

  8. Effects of Two New Inoculants on Soybeans in a Corn/Soybean Rotation

    Effects of Two New Inoculants on Soybeans in a CornSoybean Rotation.pdf 1999 Soybean Soybean Soybean Planting Wyandot Blount tillage drainage pH herbicide ...

  9. Evaluation of Corn Herbicides on Roundup Ready Corn

    Evaluation of Corn Herbicides on Roundup Ready Corn.pdf 1999 Corn Corn Corn Weeds Morrow Sloan tillage drainage fertilizer emergence ...

  10. Evaluation of Soybean Herbicides on Roundup Ready Soybeans

    Evaluation of Soybean Herbicides on Roundup Ready Soybeans.pdf 1999 Soybean Soybean Soybean Weeds Morrow Sloan tillagee drainage fertilizer pressure Nitrogen N ...
