
Search results

  1. Scheduled to Attend CARTEENS?

    Where is the program held? Programs are held at the Warren County Fairgrounds in the Event Center, 665 N Broadway St., Lebanon, OH 45036 .   Link to Google Maps. Participants are expected to attend for the entire 2-hour period those who arrive late will b ...

  2. Quality Assurance

    Mandatory training for 4-H members exhibiting market livestock at the Warren County Fair.  At least one parent is required to attend- regardless of the age of the exhibitor. This training must be complete 45 days prior to the start of the Warren County Fa ...

  3. 2018 4-H Market Beef Tag-In

    county born class can contact the Extension office for a list of Warren County producers. 2018 CB Beef ...

  4. Pollinator Short Course: Identification & Conservation of Pollinators in Ohio

    Extension Bulletin 559, "Bee Pollination of Crops in Ohio" Guest speaker Denise Ellsworth, Program ... University will provide 5 hours of advanced training for OSU Master Gardener Volunteers and Ohio Certified ...

  5. Clover Canine Fun Match

    by the Extension office to pick one up. ...

  6. Warren County Extension Planning Retreat

    Warren County Extension office will be closed so that all staff members can attend this event.  We ...

  7. Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference

    Registration materials are now available at the event website-   ...

  8. First Year Member Orientation

    So you've joined 4-H... Now what? You are invited to attend either one of these two informal sessions specifically designed with you in mind.  The same basic content will be offered at each session. You will learn: the basics of the 4-H program. a be ...

  9. Warren County 4-Hers Represent Ohio 4-H at the 2017 Keystone International Livestock Exposition

    was coached by Greg Meyer, Ohio State University Extension Educator from Warren County. Stockman’s ... For more information, contact Greg Meyer at ...

  10. "Explore the Possibilities of 4-H" Open House

    flyer to share with friends. If you have questions, please call the Warren County Extension Office (513) ...
