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ATI ranks No. 1 nationally in two-year agriculture degrees
ATI is back on top as No. 1 in Community College Week's annual Top 100 report, after a one-year drop to the No. 2 slot. ATI ranked first in the nation among two-year institutions in the number of degrees awarded in agriculture (pdf), agricultural ...
Black Cutworm and Armyworm Counts on the Rise
Last week, both Purdue University and the University of Kentucky reported high black cutworm catches. In addition, UKY caught a large number of armyworms in one of their traps. Both of these moth species migrate into our area, lay eggs, and the developin ...
We have Nematodes in our Corn Fields
Editor's note: Abasola Simon is also an author on this article. A total 425 corn fields were surveyed for plant-parasitic nematodes during the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. In each year, soil samples were collected from 15-16 fields in each of 28 co ...
Temperature Management in On-farm Grain Bins
There are recommended targets for percent grain moisture and grain temperature for winter grain bin storage. Those recommended targets are listed in the following tables (Tables 1. and 2.). Table 1. Recommended grain moisture content for safe storage.* ...
Soybean Pod Shattering
Soybean pod shattering is not completely understood. Through breeding efforts (beginning approximately 5,000 years ago when soybean was first thought to be domesticated), soybean plants have gained pod shattering resistance (Dong et al., 2014). However, ...
Soybean Aphid Prediction for 2015
Two observations on soybean aphids surprised us in 2014. First is that we saw soybean aphids at all. Since 2001-when soybean aphids were first detected in Ohio-we have had aphid outbreaks every other year (i.e. in odd numbered years). But in 2014, soyb ...
Mitchell publications
Fungal and Fungal-Like Diseases of Plants > OSU Extension Fact Sheet PP 401.07 Lawrence, C.B., T.K. ...