
Search results

  1. Walk with a Doc Pike County

    This doctor-led group is a fun and safe place to go for a walk, learn about health, and meet new friends. The event is FREE and all are welcome! ...

  2. Walk with a Doc Pike County

    This doctor-led group is a fun and safe place to go for a walk, learn about health, and meet new friends. The event is free and all are welcome! ...

  3. 2019-23


  4. Re-Employment of OSU Extension Retirees

    Resources is copied on the request and involved in discussions on priorities. Guidelines to be followed for OSU ... Extension: All assignments would be temporary assignments for a one-year period or less. Salary will be ...  states:  Reemployment of retired faculty for eligibility requirements and guidelines on the ...

  5. Choosing a milkweed species for your garden

    on the Yard and Garden link, or call the OSU Extension, Butler County, at (513) 887-3722, or in ... Middletown at (513) 424-5351, ext. #3722. News Release provided by Kathy Maurer. ...

  6. Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair ...

  7. Community Meeting for New Master Gardener Volunteer Applicants

    office of Ohio State University Extension conducts training for new Master Gardener Volunteers every ...

  8. Community Meeting for New Master Gardener Volunteer Applicants

    office of Ohio State University Extension conducts training for new Master Gardener Volunteers every ...

  9. Community Meeting for New Master Gardener Volunteer Applicants

    office of Ohio State University Extension conducts training for new Master Gardener Volunteers every ...

  10. Appalachian Table: Where Local Food Producers and Buyers Meet

    Food Producers and Buyers Meet event at the OSU South Centers in Piketon. If you are a local producer ...
