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Enrollment Verification
Enrollment verification documentation can be immediately generated online through the National Student Clearinghouse on the University Registrar's website. If enrollment verifications from the National Student Clearinghouse are not acceptable, a mem ...
Combined Bachelors/Masters
The combined Bachelors/Masters is a rigorous program that allows a student to complete both degrees at the same time. In order to qualify, a student is required to maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA. Transition into the combined program typically occurs in the su ...
Degree Audits
Degree audits track your progress through your curriculum requirements. The web based tool uses the courses you have taken and places them in the appropriate categories within your curriculum. Degree audits are always up to date in terms of the courses yo ...
Tip #4- Introductions & Etiquette
Tip #4- Introductions and Etiquette at Expo Have you practiced your greeting yet? Spend some time practicing your introductions with your roommates and friends. ...
Ohio Farm and Food Leadership Forum
The 2nd annual Ohio Farm and Food Leadership Forum will be held at the Hyatt Regency at The Greater Columbus Convention Center, 350 North High Street. There is a really great agenda with a little something for everyone. This is a great networking and prof ...
COSI Sustainability Series: DamNation
Sustainability Series: Environmental Film Screenings at COSI DamNation is a powerful film odyssey across America explores the change in our national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the growing awareness that our future is bound ...
Improvement of Yellow Perch Larvae Culture via Live Food Enrichment with Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by John Grayson, MS in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, on Monday, November 24 at 1:00 p.m. in 370 Kottman Hall. John will present Improvement of Yellow Perch Larvae Culture via Live Food Enrichment with Polyun ...
Christmas Tree Discount
Forestry Forum's Christmas Tree Discount ...
Tip #1- What to Wear
TODAY- I want you to think about how you will dress for Expo and other career-related events or opportunities. ...
School of Earth Sciences Mini-Symposium Film Festival
The School of Earth Sciences' Division of Water, Climate and the Environment's mini-symposium film festival featuring the work of some of the faculty in the division in Mendenhall Laboratory Room 291. Faculty presenting includee Professors Andre ...