
Search results

  1. 2015 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials Available (update)

    Soybean Performance Trials that can be found here: We will let you know ...

  2. The 2003 Tax Legislation- How much will it affect your dairy business and your family?

    Mr. David Miller, Farm Management Specialist, Ohio State University Extension  The Jobs and Growth ...

  3. The Marks of a "Real" Ohio Dairy Producer,

    Mr. Tim Demland, Dairy Extension Associate, The Ohio State University Ohio has more than 3600 ...

  4. Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Farms- The Basics

    Dr. Bill Weiss, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University Dairy cows consume ...

  5. Update on Footbaths for Dairy Cattle

    Dr. William B. Epperson, Extension Dairy Veterinarian, The Ohio State University  Footbaths are ...

  6. Roundup Ready Alfalfa Available for Planting in 2011

    Dr. Mark Sulc, Forage Extension Specialist, The Ohio State University (top of page) pdf file In ...

  7. Dietary Phosphorus: Economics vs. Environment

    Dr. William Weiss, Dairy Extension Specialist, The Ohio State University Phosphorus (P) is an ...

  8. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Extension Dairy Management Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The ...

  9. 2016 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest Huge Success

    October 22 at the Fawcett Center on the OSU Columbus campus. The top two teams in the novice division ...

  10. Winterize Precision Ag Technology and Backup Data

    After this season, you may be tempted to park your equipment in the shed and take a much needed winter break. You probably remembered to winterize your machinery, but you may have overlooked the need to winterize your precision ag technology. Here are som ...
