
Search results

  1. Producer Certification First Step Toward Beef Industry Alliance

    producers with that kind of information. Amy Radunz, an Ohio State University Extension beef associate and ... For more information regarding the Five State Beef Initiative log onto ...

  2. Soybean Rust or No, Don't Alter Management Practices

    Ohio State University Extension agronomist. "There is no way to control this disease with just ... information on crop production and management related to soybean rust, log on to http://www.agcrops.osu ...

  3. Herbicide and Mulch Combo Superior Method of Weed Control

    Crop Science and OSU Extension. Mathers is currently pursuing a grant to study the efficacy and ...

  4. Unharvested Corn May Be Exposed to Ear Molds

    problems later in the season," said Paul, who also holds a partial Ohio State University Extension ..., or refer to Ohioline Bulletin 802 at Candace Pollock Pierce Paul ...

  5. Media Advisory: OARDC in Wooster to Help Launch State's 100 Gbps Broadband Network Tuesday, Dec. 11

    Wooster. For more information, contact Mauricio Espinoza at 330-621-6541 or OARDC is ...

  6. Northern Corn Leaf Blight Becoming ‘Concerning’ Disease Issue

    who is also a plant pathology specialist with Ohio State University Extension. “Every single year ...

  7. Big 10 Ag Alumni Reception 2017 in D.C.

    Join the Big Ten schools with agricultural programs at a gathering of our alumni and friends who live near our nation's capital 6 to 8 p.m. March 6 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. ...

  8. CFAES connection to Ohio forestry chronicled in new exhibit

    The exhibit  Building Ohio State: From Forest to the Renovation of the Thompson Library  will be held Feb. 1 to May 14 in the 11th-floor gallery of Thompson Library.  ...

  9. Ockerman acclaimed for dedication, student impact

    Dr. Herbert W. Ockerman of CFAES recently celebrated his 55th year at The Ohio State University by doing what he has done since his first day on the job: educating students.  ...

  10. CFAES Social Hour with Buckeyes is this week!

    In the Columbus metropolitan area? Drop by Miller's Ale House at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26 for this social networking event hosted by the CFAES Alumni Society Board. ...
