
Search results

  1. OSU Climate Change Webinar

      Participate in the OSU Climate Change Webinar on  Movement of Climate Change Knowledge through ...

  2. Dispatch article focuses on scientific studies to curb fertilizer loss

    A recent Columbus Dispatch article (12/22), " Curbing Fertilizer Runoff a Challenge " features Professor Warren Dick's research on gypsum and in particular how it captures phosphorus and prevents it from washing off the fields.  Eugene Brai ...

  3. Senior Exit Survey


  4. Research presented at Ecological Society of America

    Research conducted by faculty and graduate students in the School of Environment and Natural Resources was presented at the  101st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) in August 2016. The theme of the meeting was “Novel Ecosystems in ...

  5. Water Management and Water Resources Luncheon

    You are invited to attend the quarterly joint Water Management Association of Ohio and OSU Water ...

  6. Creation Care Event

    The Columbus Diocese is offering a day of reflection, inspiration, study, and sharing of resources to help Columbus area Catholic communities respond to Pope Francis’ environmental urgings in his recent encyclical, Laudato Si: Caring for Our Common Home. ...

  7. Catalyzing the recovery of imperiled stream fishes by triggering trophic cascades

    EEOB Autumn Seminar Series presents Michael Blum, Associate Professor, Tulane University Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, who will present "Catalyzing the recovery of imperiled stream fishes by triggering trophic cascades." ...

  8. Synthesis of argentojarosite with simulated bioleaching solutions produced by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

    Mukherjee, Chiranjit, F. Sandy Jones, Jerry M. Bigham and Olli H. Tuovinen. 2016. Synthesis of argentojarosite with simulated bioleaching solutions produced by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Materials Science and Engineering G-Materials for Biological Ap ...

  9. Davey Tree Arbor Grant

    Each year the Davey Tree Expert Company awards approximately forty $1,000 scholarships to students seeking a degree in forestry, urban forestry, arboriculture, horticulture or other related discipline. Interested? Read the FLYER and APPLICATION. For infor ...

  10. Working Group Formed to Build Capacity for Science-Based Solutions to Carnivore Conflicts in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

    Jeremy Bruskotter, associate professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources is chairing a new working group seeking to design and create scientific research aimed at managing large carnivore conflicts in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GY ...
