
Search results

  1. Chris Johnson's Graduate Defense Seminar

    Chris Johnson, MS Candidate in Fisheries and Wildlife Science, will present "Direct and Indirect Effects of the Invasive Orconectes eusticus on Native O. sanbornii in Ohio Streams" as his Graduate Defense Seminar in 128 Heffner Wetland Research ...

  2. Ohio State Study: What Happens to a River When a Dam Comes Down?

    Tear down a dam and a river will change. But just how much? And what will it do to what lives in the river? To find out, scientists in Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences are looking no farther than their ...

  3. Summit on Sustainability

    Join MORPC at their signature environmental conference, the Summit on Sustainability. The Summit will be held on Friday, October 21, 2016 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Hilton Columbus Downtown. Registration is now open at ...

  4. Laura Bond's Graduate Defense Seminar

    Laura Bond, an ESGP graduate student, will present "Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing Infrastructure on Storm Runoff Characteristics" as her Graduate Defense Seminar in 245 Kottman Hall. Laura's advisor is Elizabeth M. Toman. ...

  5. SENR Undergraduate Awarded Research Grant

    Congratulations to Jim Palus, a junior majoring in environmental science received a 2014 Undergraduate SEEDS grant for his research proposal, "Effect of N:P ratio on cyanobacterial dominance". His research is significant because it addresses a t ...

  6. SENR Undergraduate Researchers Awarded Top Honors

    Out of 43 posters in the agriculture/environmental science category, SENR undergraduate researchers Rachel Hefflinger and Elisabeth Nadler's posters were awarded top honors at this year's annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum on March 26 on ...

  7. Introduction to QGIS

    This class will introduce the freeware program QGIS that can be used by land managers to create useful maps of their properties.   Dr. Londo will introduce the software, share free data sources and ultimately demonstrate how to create maps using the tools ...

  8. Addressing the Challenges and Opportunities of a Rapidly Changing Arctic: Role of the Arctic Council

    The Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center will host a discussion on Addressing the Challenges and Opportunities of a Rapidly Changing Arctic: Role of the Arctic Council with Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr., USCG (Ret.), U.S. Special Representative for the Ar ...

  9. Richard J. and Martha D. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

    Denman Forum on Wednesday, March 26 in the Recreation and Physical Activity Center (RPAC)!   The OSU ...

  10. Linking microbial community dynamics associated with rhizosphere carbon flow in a biofuel crop (Jatropha curcas L.)

    Chaudhary, Doongar R. and Richard P. Dick. 2016. Linking microbial community dynamics associated with rhizosphere carbon flow in a biofuel crop (Jatropha curcas L.). Communications in soil Science and Plant Anaylsis 47(9):1193-1206. doi: 10.1080/00103624. ...
