
Search results

  1. Rust, Freeze Injury, Head Scab: Should I Still Put on a Fungicide?

    Is it still worth putting on a fungicide? If so, what would be the best time to put it on? Via phone, email, or in person, these have been the most frequently asked questions over the last 5 days. The short and simple answer is “it depends”. Some fields h ...

  2. PORTABILITY- The Big Data Confusion: Part 8

    Data portability is a critical principle for farmers understand in order to capitalize on when using their farm data.  Today, some Ohio farmers are sharing data with up to three trusted advisors and we see the potential to share with 8 or more in the comi ...

  3. 2016-12


  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-16

    conditions might affect the threshold, is available at Uneven ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-24

    Science), Extension Agents and Associates: Greg Labarge (Fulton), (Harold Watters (Miami), Alan Sundermeier ...

  6. Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start

    As of Sunday May 8, 30 percent of Ohio’s corn crop was planted, which is 14 percent behind last year and 5 percent behind the five-year average ( Weat ...

  7. RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair

    *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...

  8. RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair

    *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...

  9. RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair

    *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...

  10. RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair

    *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...
