
Search results

  1. Dairy Cattle Judging Team has Successful Year

    The 2013 Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team put in a great showing  this fall. The team participated in contests at World Dairy Expo (Madison, WI – September 30),  the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show (Harrisburg, PA – September 9), and the Nort ...

  2. Faculty member's book explores bratwurst, buckeyes and more

    Nathan Crook, assistant professor and coordinator of Oho State ATI's agricultural education program, has written a book about the food traditions of northwest Ohio entitled A Culinary History of the Great Black Swamp. The cultural and physical landsc ...

  3. Bill Mead '81: Career proves value of two-year degree

    Don’t tell Bill Mead that it takes a bachelor’s degree or beyond to attain an upper management position in the agribusiness industry. Bill, a 1980 graduate with an associate of applied science degree in crop production, recently returned to Ohio after a 2 ...

  4. Dave Richards: ONLA president is dedicated to the green industry

    As a school teacher, Dave Richards could have spent Aug. 8, 2013 enjoying his time off in air-conditioned comfort. Instead, he was sweltering outside on Ohio State ATI’s campus as he acted as timekeeper and announcer for the Certified Landscape Technician ...

  5. Academy Rules

    Academy Program handout 2014.pdf ...

  6. ANMLTEC 3201T Horse Judging and Evaluation

    Need images?  Try these image providers: Wikimedia Commons   This is a database of freely usable media files. Flickr: Creative Common s  Images that are free to use as long as you cite them. Creative Commons Search   A one stop search to find usable media ...

  7. What You'll Learn

    What You'll Learn In addition to a toolbox of Lean and Six Sigma tools that will help you with your problem-solving and process improvement projects, you’ll learn the following key items from this course: • Breakthrough process improvement strategies ...

  8. Citation Help

    Citation Help (MLA)     Commonly accepted facts do not need to be cited (The sky is blue.)     Cite ideas that are not your own, whether you paraphrase or directly quote them     Cite things within your paper (in-text) and at the end (Works Cited page)    ...

  9. Records Management

    The Ohio State University General Records Retention Schedule as of March 15 2013 Ohio State’s General Records Retention Schedule (General Schedule) accounts for the management and disposition of university record series that are common to many units acros ...

  10. Reports

    Annual Report The annual report gives a snapshot of the library for the year and includes statistics from every facet of the library including traffic count, collection, ILL (InterLibrary Loan), A-V, circulation, reference, instruction, tutorials, etc. 20 ...
