
Search results

  1. Identity, Power, and Privilege Workshop

    Description: What does it mean to have privilege? How do your social identities (e.g., race, gender, class, religion, sexuality, etc) grant or deny you privilege? How do you know when you have it and when you don't? How can we use power and privilege ...

  2. Tips to improve study time for our teens

    BUCKEYES! For up-to-date program information, check us out on the web at: News Release ...

  3. Leadership Center workshop: Mission Possible: Positive Leadership (online)

    positive strategies that keep the team/organization strong. Join Beth Flynn of the OSU Leadership Center ... for this workshop. For more information, see ...

  4. Ohio State ATI Career Expo

    This event gives students the opportunity to interact with business and employers for internships, full-time positions, and part-time positions. It's also an excellent opportunity for faculty and staff to discuss industry trends and potential classro ...

  5. Western Ohio Corn College

    What we’ll cover: Download the flyer to see more details and to register. • Can You Budget a Profitable Corn Crop –Sam Custer • Agronomic Practices that Optimize Profitability in Corn Production-Perception vs. Reality –Dr. Peter Thomison • Nitrogen Timing ...

  6. 2019 Spring Birding at Shenango Wildlife Area

    The ODNR Division of Wildlife and Parks & Watercraft (Scenic Rivers) is holding their 3 rd annual spring birding event in the Shenango Wildlife Area (one of Audubon's Important Bird Areas in Ohio) along the now state designated Pymatuning Creek W ...

  7. Beech trees are dying, and nobody’s sure why


  8. OSU Junior Swine Day

    deadline is March 19, 2017. OSU Junior Swine Day Flyer ...

  9. Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias

    Professional Development Workshop Opportunity: Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias This interactive workshop for will explore how identities, beliefs, and backgrounds shape our perceptions of other people i ...

  10. Leadership Center workshop: Why Can’t We All Get Along?

    Join Beth Flynn of the OSU Leadership Center for this workshop. This is a fun and exciting way for ... helping you better understand yourself and others. Go to for more information. ...
