
Search results

  1. Rumpke Recycling Tour

    people. Please email Laura at ( or call 513-695-1311 to reserve a spot on the tour. For ...

  2. BroadbandOhio Community Accelerator: A beacon of connectivity for Ohio’s future

    Kyle White, educator, community development, OSU Extension. “Community participants learn about ... a partnership between OSU Extension and BroadbandOhio, which is very beneficial to the residents of Ohio.”  “The ... BroadbandOhio Community Accelerator, a collaborative by Ohio State University Extension community ...

  3. Free Kids STEM Activities in Building 25 at the Canfield Fair with Mahoning County 4-H

    Free Kids STEM Activities in Building 25 at the Canfield Fair with Mahoning County 4-H – OSU ... Extension Mahoning County   Heading to the Canfield Fair with your kids or grandkids over Labor Day weekend? ...

  4. Wreaths for Our Veterans Ceremony

    The Mahoning County Master Gardener Volunteers have been able to place wreaths on Veterans' graves for the past 17 years. These wreaths are meant to honor their sacrifices and teach our younger generations about the high cost of our freedoms. Please ...

  5. Office Closed to the public First Friday of Each Month

    We will be closed the First Friday of each month to complete training, office tasks and plan programs. Staff availability will be by appointment only on the First Friday of each month.  ...

  6. Fall Wellness Walk 11.18.2024

    Join Laura Stanton, OSU Extension Educator, and other guests, for a series of relaxing strolls ...

  7. Fall Wellness Walk 10.28.2024

    Join Laura Stanton, OSU Extension Educator, and other guests, for a series of relaxing strolls ...

  8. Gifts from the Kitchen

    Join OSU Extension for recipes and ideas for creating your own "conveinece" mixes for ...

  9. Healthy for the Holidays

    As part of the monthly partnership with the Glass City Enrichment Center, OSU Extension Lucas ...

  10. Fall Wellness Walk 11.1.2024

    Join Laura Stanton, OSU Extension Educator, and other guests, for a series of relaxing strolls ...
