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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-36 Ohio counties are now well past the 10-day window for optimum wheat planting. Wheat fall growth ...
Western Bean Cutworm Damage and Heavy Feeding on Cry1F
We have been contacted by several growers and crop advisors regarding heavy feeding on corn ears by Western bean cutworm (WBC). These observations were confirmed during a recent visit to several fields in Northwest Ohio. It was very easy to spot damaged ...
2014 Ohio Corn Performance Test: Regional Overviews
is shown in parentheses. Complete results are available online at: http://oardc.osu ...
Liabilities & Security Safeguards
In today’s world, many of us have electronic data stored on multiple devices and in various locations. Whether that’s banking information, medical information, or in the case of farmers, agricultural data, this data is entrusted to a service provider or ...
Fall Manure Application Tips
Silage harvest is moving along rapidly in Ohio, with corn and soybean harvest expected to be earlier this year than normal. Livestock producers and commercial manure applicators will be applying both liquid and solid manure as fields become available. For ...
Soil Compaction Management at Harvest Time
by Bob Holmes and Randall Reeder at OSU. Their research also showed that tracks can do a very good ...
Western Bean Cutworm Count Rising and Eggs Hatching
We have seen a large increase in Western Bean Cutworm catches (see figure), which is typical for this time of year. Given the heat in the forecast later this week, it might be safe to say that we are into peak flight. We have also heard of eggs hatching— ...