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Unlawful or Anti-Competitive Activities-The Big Data Confusion: Part 13
A common concern for growers when working with an Agricultural Technology Provider (ATP) is that their data may be used by that ATP to benefit itself in the marketplace. According to the Federal Trade Commission, it is illegal for businesses to act toget ...
Late season diseases are making their appearance
Sudden death syndrome. I was scouting the sudden death syndrome study and symptoms have started. And due to the calls I am getting it is also in some producer’s fields. Sudden death syndrome (SDS) is a fungal disease of soybean and is limited to a few ...
Lower Corn Production Forecast Likely to Fuel Increased Calls for Ethanol Waiver
University Extension economist Matt Roberts said. In its monthly crops report, USDA last week cut its ...
Back to the Future with Stink Bugs?
Some of you may remember the 2012 growing season—very dry most of the year but, in some areas, late season rains gave a second life into the soybean crop that was reaching pod fill stage. Unfortunately, this boost also likely attracted stink bugs into so ...
Potential for Nitrate Problems in Drought Stressed Corn
Have very dry soil conditions increased the potential for toxic levels of nitrates in corn harvested for silage? Nitrates absorbed from the soil by plant roots are normally incorporated into plant tissue as amino acids, proteins and other nitrogenous comp ...
School of Natural Resources Joins University Scholars Program
e-mail For more information Ohio State's Scholars Program or Honors Program, log ... on to, or contact Linda Harlow at (614) 292-3135 or harlow.1@osu ...
OARDC To Mark Tornado Anniversary Sept. 16 with Community Recognition, New Building Dedication: Public Invited
(learn more at Noon-6 p.m.: Tours of the PAAR Facility, corner of Williams ...
Spraying Insecticides on Soybeans and Honey Bees
Although soybean aphids remain at low levels in Ohio, we are aware that many growers are adding insecticides to spray tanks when applying fungicides for plant health purposes and even late applications of herbicides because: “Well, I’m going over the fiel ...