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Record-High Corn Yields Expected for Ohio
Thomison, an Ohio State University Extension agronomist. âSoils were dry at planting, we had a mild ...
Western Bean Cutworm Infestation and Disease Issues
Reports of ear feeding by western bean cutworm (WBC) have come in at a steady pace over the last few weeks. This is the 3 rd consecutive year that we have seen a fair amount of feeding, some of it likely has led to an economic loss. The heaviest feeding h ...
Corn pollination
Editor's Note: This is a synopsis of the article last week from Peter Thomison, with the pictures attached. I've included a bit of the information to "explain" the images, but if you want "The Whole Story," please refer to ...
OARDC To Mark Tornado Anniversary Sept. 16 with Community Recognition, New Building Dedication: Public Invited
(learn more at Noon-6 p.m.: Tours of the PAAR Facility, corner of Williams ...
Lower Corn Production Forecast Likely to Fuel Increased Calls for Ethanol Waiver
University Extension economist Matt Roberts said. In its monthly crops report, USDA last week cut its ...
Electric Truck Turns OSU Arboretum Even Greener
Arboretum, OARDC, Mag International (Fountain Valley, Calif., ...
Farmer's Markets a Focus of Direct Agricultural Marketing Conference
Association Conference, log on to For additional conference information, ... 225, or e-mail Candace Pollock Julie Fox False False True True False True True False ...
Growth and Change: Population Change in Ohio and It's Rural-Urban Interface
In 2003, the OSU Exurban Change and Swank programs produced a policy brief documenting Ohio ...