
Search results

  1. Rust, Freeze Injury, Head Scab: Should I Still Put on a Fungicide?

    Is it still worth putting on a fungicide? If so, what would be the best time to put it on? Via phone, email, or in person, these have been the most frequently asked questions over the last 5 days. The short and simple answer is “it depends”. Some fields h ...

  2. PORTABILITY- The Big Data Confusion: Part 8

    Data portability is a critical principle for farmers understand in order to capitalize on when using their farm data.  Today, some Ohio farmers are sharing data with up to three trusted advisors and we see the potential to share with 8 or more in the comi ...

  3. 'Whiz Bang Science Show' Is Thursday (6/10) in Secrest Arboretum OARDC: Kurt Knebusch Dave Lohnes whizbangscienceshow.jpg True ...

  4. 2016-12


  5. Herbicide-Treated Mulches May Provide Good Weed Control

    control weeds in nurseries. Hannah Mathers, an Ohio State University Extension nursery and landscape ...

  6. Southern Ohio Farmers Harvesting Sweet Corn Early

    State University Extension agent for Washington County, said the unusually hot weather before Easter ...

  7. Ohio Dairy Producers Could Earn More for Milk Under Proposed Price Change

    State University Extension dairy marketing specialist, said that if the new rule takes effect, state ...

  8. Ohio State Research Looks into Value of Cover Crops

    improving nitrogen availability," said Mullen, who also holds an Ohio State Extension appointment. ...

  9. Tips Help Corn Growers Diagnose Emergence Problems

    creamy white root system," said Paul, who also holds an Ohio State University Extension appointment. ...

  10. Researchers Working to Improve Crop Production in India

    to facilitate technology transfer; bolster agricultural research, education and Extension; and ...
