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New Pythium Species Isolated In Ohio
State University Extension appointment. "The final evidence was the DNA sequencing, which ...
Ohio Wheat Could Be at Risk for Head Scab, if Rain Coincides with Flowering
who also holds an Ohio State University Extension appointment. "If it gets dry over the next week ...
With Good Weather and Wise Management, 2009 Can Happen Again for Wheat Growers
Ohio State University Extension agronomist, says yes, as long as the weather cooperates and farmers ...
Worried About Moldy Corn? Test Grain to be Certain of Mycotoxins
Paul, an Ohio State University Extension plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...
Production Practices Recommended to Help Reduce Ear Mold Risk in Corn
Thomison, an Ohio State University Extension corn agronomist. As corn growers prepare for this year's ...
Make Careful Decisions When Selecting 2011 Corn Hybrids
University Extension state agronomist, said that hybrid selection is one of the most important management ...
Media Advisory: President Gee to Visit OSU South Centers July 2
July 1, 2008 PIKETON, Ohio-- Ohio State University President E. Gordon Gee will visit OSU South ...
Proven Production Practices for Increasing Corn Yields and Profits
In the quest for high corn yields, considerable attention has been given to increasing various inputs, including seeding rates and fertilizers, narrowing row spacing, and making preventative applications of foliar fungicides, growth regulators and biologi ...
Calibrate Your Sprayer Now- Here is an Easy Way to do it
Typically, I would wait until April to remind you to calibrate your sprayer, because of cold weather outside. But this year is not a typical year. Who would believe the temperature to reach 70’s in central Ohio today. There seems to be no better time to g ...
New to LibertyLink Soybean?- Here's your Primer
LibertyLink soybeans are finally starting to get the use in Ohio that they deserve. Use of the LibertyLink system accomplishes several things- resolving current herbicide-resistant weed problems and reducing the emphasis on glyphosate use that continues ...