
Search results

  1. Common Ohio Insect Identified as Vector of Emerging Corn Virus

    Chamberlain at (330) 263-3779 or WOOSTER, Ohio- The black-faced leafhopper, an insect ...

  2. Wide Variety of Lettuces Can Be Grown in Ohio

    nutritional value and that serve a range of uses." Over the past two years, OSU researchers have studied ...

  3. SCN Management Begins with Fall Sampling

    Diagnostic Clinic (, where the cost per sample is $15. Results report cyst counts per 100 ...

  4. Ag Economist Summarizes Themes of New Farm Bill

    Election) program. The documents are available at http://aede.osu ...

  5. SENR Symposium Highlights Graduate Research

    First-year environment and natural resources graduate students provided overviews of their research proposals at the annual Graduate Research Symposium on April 24th held at the School of Environment and Natural Resources on The Ohio State University camp ...

  6. Citizen Science and Backyard Birds: Building Capacity for Wildlife Conservation in an Urbanizing World

    A Doctoral Scholarly Seminar will be presented by Jennifer S. Malpass, PhD Candidate in Fisheries and Wildlife Science, on Tuesday, May 5 th at 9:00 a.m. in 382 Kottman Hall. Jennifer will present Citizen Science and Backyard Birds: Building Capacity for ...

  7. Alumni Evening with OSU Resume Experts

    An Evening with Ohio State Resume Experts @ Longaberger Alumni House 6-8 PM, cost $10 ...

  8. SENR's Professor Sharp on All Sides with Ann Fisher Today

    In the second hour of All Sides with Ann Fisher on WOSU (89.7 fm) Professor Sharp will be one of three guests discussing modern rural renewal.   ...

  9. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella, and Cephalosporin-Resistant E. Coli Strains in Canada Goose Feces at Urban and Rural Sites in Central Ohio

    A Graduate Defense Seminar by Laura Binkley, MS Candidate, Fisheries and Wildlife Science, who will present Prevalence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella, and Cephalosporin-Resistant E. Coli Strains in Canada Goose Feces at Urban and Rural Sites in C ...

  10. Shared Visions, Future Challenges: A Mental Models Study of Three Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Programs

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Emily G. Hutchins, MS Candidate in Environmental Social Sciences, on Friday, April 24 th at 2:00 p.m. in 382 Kottman Hall. Emily will present Shared Visions, Future Challenges: A Mental Models Study of Three ...
