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  1. Regulating Livestock Welfare Remains an Issue Around the Country

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  2. OSU Partners on Mid-South Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference

    Partners in the national Ag & Food Law Consortium recently hosted the 2016 Mid-South Agricultural & Environmental Law Conference in Memphis, Tennessee.  Ohio State's Peggy Hall addressed attendees on Legal Issues and Liability in Agricultural ...

  3. Bioremediation of hydrocarbon degradation in a petroleum contaminated soil and microbial population and activity determination

    Wu, M.L., W. Li, W.A. Dick, X.Q. Ye, K.L. Chen, D. Kost and L.M. Chen. 2017. Bioremediation of hydrocarbon degradation in a petroleum contaminated soil and microbial population and activity determination. Chemosphere 169:124-130. Journal article Thursday, ...

  4. Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting

    The 80th Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society will be held in Columbus, Ohio.  The theme of the meeting is Rural peoples in a volatile world: Disruptive agents and adaptive strategies.   **Early Bird pricing for the 2017 Annual Meeting in Colu ...

  5. MicroTrop 2014 In Pictures

     recycled, treated waste water. OSU Plant Pathology Graduate Student, Spencer Debenport demonstrates sample ...

  6. Udall Scholarship

    $5,000 toward undergraduate educational expenses. Students must be nominated by OSU to compete. Ohio ... at for more info! ...

  7. Pipelines, Property, and You: What Ohio Property Owners Impacted by Pipeline Projects Should Know

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  8. Global Teamwork focus of Columbus Dispatch article

    A recent article,  "Ohio State study: Global teamwork on scientific research growing, " in  The Columbus Dispatch  highlights the growing focus on global teamwork and features School of Environment and Natural Resources Professor Rattan Lal' ...

  9. OSU Changing Climate Webinar

    OSU Changing Climate will present "Great Lakes Climate Change Education Resources" with ... required to receive log-in information – visit to sign up. A Q&A session will ...

  10. Dominican Republic Info Session

