
Search results

  1. Meeting Focuses on Role of Ecological Restoration and Sustainability

    Starting this Friday, scientists and practitioners will gather in Wooster, Ohio for the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER). Dr. Charles Goebel, associate professor and assistant director ...

  2. Animal Science Academic Quadrathlon

    Test your knowledge in Animal Science by competing against your peers for a chance to represent Ohio State at the Midwestern Section American Society of Animal Science Meetings!  The competition will be held between the PH and AS buildings January 26 and ...

  3. 2015 OSU Academic Quadrathlon

    quiz bowl ...

  4. 2015 OSU Academic Quadrathlon

    written exam and the oral presentations ...

  5. SENR faculty member co-authors article on moving beyond single season research

    In a recent opinion piece published in  Biology Letters, School of Environment and Natural Resources faculty member  Christopher Tonra  and collaborating scientists from the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center call for “a full annual cycle perspective” to b ...

  6. SENR Soil Scientist Working to Make P-Index More Functional

    SENR Soil Scientist  Libby Dayton  is gathering and organizing science-based data so farmers can easily use it to help improve water quality.   ...

  7. Phosphorus and Nitrogen and Carbon, OH MY! The role of wetlands in mitigating pollutants in our landscape and globe

    A special lecture presentation by William J. Mitsch, PhD, Eminent Scholar and Director, Everglades Wetland Research Park, Sproul Chair for Southwest Florida Habitat Restoration and Management Florida Gulf Coast University, Naplesn Florida, and Editor-in-C ...

  8. SENR Faculty and Graduate Students Present Research at World's Largest Aquaculture Conference

    Held every three years and referred to as the Triennial, Aquaculture 2013 hosted in Nashville, TN over four days in February combines the annual meetings of the Fish Culture Section of the American Fisheries Society, the World Aquaculture Society and the ...

  9. Photography Exhibit

    Students in the EEOB communication Science via Photography Workshop will hold a photography exhibit in the lobby of Jennings. A reception will be held at 1:00 p.m. For more information contact Kaly Donovan.225. ...

  10. Wetlands for Wildlife

    Wetlands provide countless ecosystem services to local ecology and wildlife. This workshop will teach you about these fascinating habitats, the plants and wildlife that depend upon them! Pre-registration is required and the deadline to register is May 27, ...
