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Congratulations to newly promoted faculty
Congratulations to David Hix, who was promoted to the rank of Professor and Kristi Lekies, promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure. On Thursday, November 12, Ohio State University faculty granted tenure or promotion effective in 2015-16 ...
TerrAqua Water Sentinel Training
Become a Water Sentinel! Clean Water Sierra Club and Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed (FLOW) are hosting a Water Sentinel training. The training includes collecting data from water sources around you and submitting the data online for Sierra Club ...
Bakery Fundraiser
Join fellow students in supporting sustainability and environmental student groups and initiatives on campus! There will be cookies and brownies available for a small donation on Monday, January 25th from 1-4pm on the Oval. ...
Potential of Sahelian native shrub materials to suppress the spiral nematode helicotylenchus dihystera
Chapuis-Lardy, L., S. Diakhate, D. Djigal, A.O. Ba, R.P. Dick, P.M. Sembene and D. Masse. 2015. Potential of Sahelian native shrub materials to suppress the spiral nematode helicotylenchus dihystera. Journal of Nematology 47(3):214-217. Richard P. Dick Jo ...
The agrifood system policy agenda and research domain
Clark, Jill K., Jeff S. Sharp and Kristine L. Dugan. 2015. The agrifood system policy agenda and research domain. Journal of Rural Studies 42:12-122. Jeff S. Sharp Journal article ...
Effects of shelterwood harvest and prescribed fire in upland Appalachian hardwood forests on bat activity
Silvis, Alexander, Stanley D. Gehrt and Roger A. Williams. 2016. Effects of shelterwood harvest and prescribed fire in upland Appalachian hardwood forests on bat activity. Forest Ecology and Management 360:205-212. Stanley D. Gehrt Roger A. Williams Journ ...
The potential of controlled traffic farming to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sequestration in arable land: A critical review
Antille, D.L., W.C.T. Chamen, J.N. Tullberg and R. Lal. 2015. The potential of controlled traffic farming to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sequestration in arable land: A critical review. Transactions of the American Society of Agr ...
Can fish see the bait on the hook? New grant helps to answer this question.
School of Environment and Natural Resources assistant professor Suzanne Gray was recently awarded funding through Ohio Sea Grant’s research grants program to investigate the ecological and economic impact of algal and sedimentary turbidity on the recr ...
More on Transgenic Traits and Hybrid Performance
There were 17 different sets of transgenic traits evaluated in 2015 Ohio Corn Performance Test (OCPT) representing 22 technology products that are currently being marketed by seed companies. As the type and number of transgenic traits increases each year, ...