
Search results

  1. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Osage orange trees (for the week of Oct. 14, 2001)

    Kurt Knebusch, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691, (330) 263-3776, Kurt Knebusch ...

  2. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Turkey beards (for the week of Nov. 18, 2001)

    44691, (330) 263-3776, Kurt Knebusch Karl Nestor Twig11-18-01.pdf False False False ...

  3. Follow Guidelines When Planting Soybeans

    University Extension plant pathologist.   "Are you going back into the same fields that had soybeans ...

  4. Partnering to inform and deliver habitat management to restore Northern Bobwhite populations on Ohio farmlands

    Ohio State University scientists with the Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Laboratory in the School of Environment and Natural Resources are partnering with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife, Pheasants Forever, Federal Aid in Wildl ...

  5. SENR Doctoral Student Invited to Attend World Prize Events

    Boniface Massawe, a doctoral student specializing in soil science in the  School of Environment and Natural Resources  and a  Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP) Fellow, will attend the  World Food Prize  events in Des M ...

  6. Continued Harvest Delays May Mean More Lodging Corn

    Ohio State University Extension agronomist, said that lodging, whether it's stalk lodging or root ...

  7. Garden to Plate


  8. ENR Scholars Class of 2020 Photo


  9. H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco Lecture on Global Sustainability Issues

    H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, a long-time supporter of global environmental and sustainability issues, will visit Ohio State on Wed. (8/31), and present a lecture focusing on climate change, biodiversity and access to clean water. Doors open at 2:30 ...

  10. Ohio Farm Bureau Member To Be Honored

    committees and has worked with Extension to strengthen ties with beef, pork and swine producers. He is ...
