
Search results

  1. Virtual Volunteer Info Sessions

    Interested in learning about volunteering at Chadwick Arboretum?  Whether you are an OSU Alumni, ... incredible way to give back in the way that you enjoy the most. Volunteers help in the garden, plan and ...

  2. Virtual Volunteer Info Sessions

    Interested in learning about volunteering at Chadwick Arboretum?  Whether you are an OSU Alumni, ... incredible way to give back in the way that you enjoy the most. Volunteers help in the garden, plan and ...

  3. Eggs: Safe Storage and Alternatives!

    prices soaring due to supply chain disruptions and avian flu impacts, many consumers are looking for ways ... stores, eggs are kept refrigerated, and they should remain refrigerated at home,” Yousef said. “Eggs can ... pocket inside, tend to float,” Yousef said. “Mold or unusual odors are clear indicators that eggs should ...

  4. Managing Depression with Diet

    lives and 17.8% are currently being treated for depression. Women are reported to have the highest risk ... have trouble sleeping, feel very tired, think you are not good enough, feel overly guilty, and ... depression is chronic condition where these negative feelings are present for most of the day, for several ...

  5. Virtual Volunteer Info Sessions

    Interested in learning about volunteering at Chadwick Arboretum?  Whether you are an OSU Alumni, ... incredible way to give back in the way that you enjoy the most. Volunteers help in the garden, plan and ...

  6. C-FARM: Reeve Team Update in Utah

    Ohio State University to Los Angeles and back. During our sampling expeditions, we collected 675 cores ... pasture were the two most common field types we sampled, since these crops are widespread throughout Utah ... fields that are dominated by the figures of ancient Fremont Cottonwoods, some more than 7 ft in diameter. ...

  7. Blood Drive WEDNESDAY

    Next week, during Buckeye Love Week, we are hosting a blood Drive on Wednesday, February 12 th ... Student Life Blood Drives goes directly back to helping other Buckeyes at the OSU Medical Wexner ... Center/James Cancer Research Center. We are “Buckeyes helping Buckeyes!”   Giveaway for this Blood Drive is an ...

  8. Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    Ribes. Jostaberries are the interspecies crosses of gooseberries and black currants. Ribes plants and ... acidic than black and red currants. Black currants are best used for currant juice while red currants are ... Harney and Sons black currant tea is a good example. Gooseberries are quite tasty as fresh fruits. They ...

  9. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Ashley Vetter

    experience in 4-H, to how they have given back to the program. This month, we feature Ashley Vetter, a proud ... thankfully, many of them are still good friends now.” “The Wood County Fair was also a highlight, particularly ... professional career. Project and time management are critical skills I learned thanks to my 4-H project work, ...

  10. Teff for Forage Production

    forage use receiving attention in the United States. Baling, ensiling, and grazing are potential options ... structure and soft leaf tissue. Production yields and nutritional values are similar to cool-season grasses. ... addition, for warm-season grasses such as teff, the NSCs present are typically present as starch rather than ...
