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Volume 10 Issue 3
Volume 10 Issue 2
County Web Sites
Technical Training: County Web Sites (Plone)
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Chow Line: Know your numbers: calorie counts differ (for 8/16/09)
August 7, 2009 Where can I find out how many calories a day I should be eating? I recently started paying attention to calorie intake, and have been using the 2,000-calorie-a-day standard on Nutrition Facts labels. But 2,000 calories a day can't be r ...
Are Deer Eating Your Profits? Reduce the Losses with OSU Extension Workshop
October 17, 2007 PIKETON, Ohio-- Deer may be quiet, elusive creatures, but the pronounced damage they leave behind eats away millions of dollars a year in profits. Ohio State University's South Centers at Piketon will offer a deer exclusion workshop ...
Ohio Producers: Reach Your Customers with MarketMaker
December 27, 2007 PIKETON, Ohio-- Ohio is joining a nationwide Web-based business program that connects agricultural markets to the clients they serve, whether locally or across state lines. MarketMaker is a free, interactive Web resource that contains de ...
Can You Afford Your Farm? Find Out with FINPACK
March 31, 2009 WOOSTER, Ohio-- With the current economic downturn, farmers may be scrutinizing the future of their operations, and a financial planning tool offered by Ohio State University Extension is available to evaluate the health of on-farm business ...
Know Your Ear Rots Before Feeding Grain to Livestock
October 16, 2009 WOOSTER, Ohio – With several types of ear rot diseases appearing on Ohio's corn crop, properly identifying them is important for producers to make decisions about feeding grain to livestock. "It is important to identify ear rot ...
Want to Grow Your Own Backyard Fruits? It's Not Hard to Get Started
April 6, 2010 DELAWARE, Ohio – With the downturn in the economy and the move toward healthier, locally produced foods, more Ohio homeowners are interested in growing their own backyard fruits. They'll be happy to learn that it isn't hard to get ...