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OSU Advisor Appreciation Week
Ohio State, ACADAOS and the Office of Undergraduate Education present our second annual Advisor ...
Volume 14 Issue 5
Forum Questions
operation, as a guide for all existing employees and for training of new employees. GMPs are a part of the ... the issue is that the Ohio livestock industry does not currently have the technology to be able to say ...
Grow your own lettuce in space? Students, researchers build system for NASA
Say you're on Mars and you fancy a salad. Unless the Curiosity rover can make an unexpected find of fresh romaine somewhere on the dusty Red Planet, you're looking at a nine-month trip to the nearest produce aisle on Earth. A better option? Grow ...
East Ohio Woman in Agriculture Conference
Aparna Dial, Office of Energy and Environmental Sustainability, Ohio State
244 Kottman (Columbus) videolink to 121 Fisher (Wooster) ...
Vegetable Diseases of Ohio Anthracnose Early blight of potato and tomato Phytophthora Bacterial ...
Federal Court Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging ODA and Ohio EPA Livestock Permitting
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Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Technology Day
Make Safety Priority as Motorists, Farmers Share Roads This Fall
October 9, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Autumn is here. Time to hit the roads for festivals, pumpkin ... encountering farm equipment on rural roads, increasing the potential for accidents. Dee Jepsen, an Ohio State ...