
Search results

  1. VanStavern Scholarship

    VanStavern Scholarship Accepting Applications Named after Meat Scientist Dr. Bob VanStavern who established the brand’s original quality parameters, the VanStavern Beef Quality Award is a mentorship fund founded to honor his legacy to Certified Angus Beef ...

  2. We'd like to hear from you!

    ________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you attended the Veterinary Interview Workshop last semester, we would like to hear from you!  The invitations and the interviews are history. However, we w ...

  3. Grazyne Tresoldi, DVM, PhD

    Ct. Columbus, Ohio Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Biology, University of California, Davis (2018) ... Ohio's dairy industry addresses challenges posed by adverse weather conditions and in developing ... of a butcher, I enjoy barbecuing year-round and exploring nature, traveling, cross-stitching and ...

  4. Hui Yu

    evaluating their systematic effects on controlling energy homeostasis and eating behaviors. Exploring the ... metabolic disorders associated with human diseases, such as Prader-Willi Syndrome. Exploration on the ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Week

    Be sure to share your favorite memories of 4-H on our Facebook page!  Don't forget to wear green Tuesday March 5, 2024.  Also, be on the lookout for 4-H Camp Registration opening March 11, 2024! ...

  6. Website Survey Request

    the current website. This feedback will help shape information and resources shared on the website in ...

  7. CFAES Career Fair

    The SP24 CFAES Career Fair will be held on Feb. 13th in the Ohio Union from 1-4pm. Find more ... information here. ...

  8. Ohio Cattlemen's Association Summer Internship

    The Ohio Cattlemen's Association has opened their summer intership application and will be ... avaliable through February 15th. Find more information here. ...

  9. Phibro Animal Health Internship

    specifically dairy-interested students! Find more information here. Resumes and questions should be sent to ...

  10. Scholarships & Aid

    cost each semester or how much it will cost to complete a degree. Undergraduate Admissions at The Ohio ... enrolled at Ohio State. To learn more, contact the “Child Care Access Means Parents in School” (CCAMPIS) ...
