
Search results

  1. Local Leadership Group Meeting

    Local Leadership Group Meeting- November 23 from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Nationwide and Ohio ... Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Gehres Room) Purpose of meeting: Many Ohio Extension professionals across the ...

  2. Animal Welfare & Behavior Club Meeting

    The first Animal Welfare & Behavior Club meeting of the semester is January 17th at 5:30 in Enarson 238! Wild Hearts Zoo will be coming to speak about exotic animal welfare and will be bringing some small exotics with them, such as an owl, hedgehog, f ...

  3. Omega Tau Sigma Etiquette Dinner

    All Animal Science Students/all CFAES Students are invited to attend Omega Tau Sigma's Etiquette Dinner. OTS is a nationally recognized veterinary fraternity that encourages and fosters the development of well rounded veterinarians. This dinner will ...

  4. Pesticide Application Recertification NO Technology Session. No PowerPoint, NO Videos, etc.

    the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This covers your applicators license for 3 years. This is a no ...

  5. Quarter Horse Honor for Ohio State

    The American Quarter Horse Association recognized The Ohio State University for 50 cumulative ...

  6. Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Kits Provide a Teaching Tool for 4-H Volunteers

    of a generous grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation, 4-H Cloverbud Volunteers can borrow 4-H Cloverbud ... Kits from our office. The kits focus on lessons taken directly from the Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Curriculum, ...

  7. Department Roundup 2015 08 18

    they will go in the next version. HELPFUL LINKS: Ongoing Training for Faculty and Staff at Ohio State ...

  8. Unique Employment Opportunity

    Avery Animal Hospital is a busy, five doctor veterinary practice in Hilliard, Ohio. This is an ...

  9. Semex District Sales Representative Position

    in Central and Eastern Ohio.  Using Semex sales tools and technology, employees will develop and grow ...

  10. The Drive to Feed the World

    a group, contact Dr. Steve Moeller for more information ( This ...
