
Search results

  1. Undergraduate Research Going Strong in Animal Sciences

    Undergraduate Research was the focus of another recent event at Ohio State. The Richard J. and ...

  2. Dairy Judging at World Dairy Expo

    The Ohio State Dairy Judging Team finished 10th out of 23 teams at the World Dairy Expo's ...

  3. Well-known Stallion Coming to Ohio State

    Iron Age is coming to Ohio State. He is donated by Carolyn Fleming Smith, per her will, which ...

  4. Hall of Fame ceremony

    leadership in the agricultural community.  Hawkins, a 1963 (BS) and 1965 (MS) graduate of The Ohio State ... Fellow Award in Teaching. Dave’s wife, Kathleen is also a graduate of The Ohio State University.  ... of Fame Ceremony 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. – Social Hour Contact information is below if you have questions: ...

  5. Urban Local Food Workshop Series: Planning the Vegetable Garden & Starting Seeds Indoors

    receive free seeds! For complete information, click here. ...

  6. Employers on Campus

    following companies will be present during fall semester: ·         October 13 – 9a-1p: Ohio Corn and Wheat ...

  7. Joint Veterinary Technology Program Mandatory Information Session

    College?   Please plan to attend the information session on Thursday, Sept. 12th at 5:00 pm in Plumb Hall ...

  8. Livestock Judging Recognition

    article: November 23, 1904 "On to Chicago" link to Lantern article: January 11, 1905 "Ohio ... "Intercollegiate Live Stock Trophy" 1921 link to Lantern article: November 29, 1921 "Ohio Judging Team ... Wins First Honors at Livestock Show" link to Lantern article: December 8, 1921 "Ohio ...

  9. Wild Horse Rescue Intern

    property in Scioto County, Ohio. The farm features Equine of all types. Many have been abused or starved at ...

  10. Experience OSU for a Day Hosts Needed

    Do you enjoy sharing your passion for Ohio State with others? Would you be willing to show high ...
