
Search results

  1. News from Academic Affairs

    changes: virtual learning after thanksgiving The last day of any in-person instruction is Wednesday, Nov. 25. There are no scheduled classes Nov. 26th- 27th. Instruction in the last week of the semester (Nov. 30th- Dec. 4th) and final exams (Dec. 7th-11th ...

  2. News from Academic Affairs

    CHANGES: Environmental & Sustainability Career Fair Added to Fall Semester Looking for internships, jobs, and/or grad school info for careers connected to the environment, natural resources, green energy, sustainability, and more? Make sure to attend ...

  3. News from Academic Affairs

    FACTS: Important dates you need to know As a student you have a lot to keep track of! That’s why the University Registrar posts many of important dates and deadlines all in one spot. Dates for the current semester are highlighted on their homepage (https: ...

  4. Jill Gallion. Information Associate


  5. The CFAES Cafe

    NOW OPEN! Open Monday – Friday from 8AM to 2PM Fisher Auditorium – Study Lounge South Cash and Credit Accepted  Buck ID and Grub Hub are currently not available   Coffee – Snacks – Daily Soup & Bakery Specials ...

  6. News

