
Search results

  1. Corn Hybrid Selection – 2015

    environment, imposes a ceiling on the yield potential of a field before it has been planted.  In the Ohio Corn ... Performance Test (OCPT) ( it is not unusual for hybrid entries of ... of the hybrids available to Ohio growers contain transgenic insect and herbicide resistance. In the ...

  2. Capstone Mtg #14

      Elina Panteleyeva The Ohio State University Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering 513-509-8812 ...

  3. Bees in Your Backyard Workshop

    Bees in Your Backyard and the Plants They Visit Multiple locations across Ohio for 4 day-long ...

  4. Ear Rots of Corn: Telling them Apart

    ear diseases of corn in Ohio. The most characteristic symptom and the easiest way to tell Diplodia ear ...

  5. Liming Considerations

    require special management practices. Western Ohio has the greatest risk of elevating soil pH from ... In parts of Ohio where the subsoil pH is less than 6.0 for mineral soils (eastern Ohio), additional ... parts of the state (generally western Ohio), the subsoil pH for mineral soils is greater than 6.0 and ...

  6. Head Scab Update: Week of May 21

    head scab is moderate in the northern-most counties and in the eastern portion of central Ohio ...

  7. Taking a second look at “food grade” corn: Q & A

    Grain Council (USGC) information from 2005, yellow food grade corn production is scattered throughout ... central Ohio, northwest Missouri, southwest Iowa, southeast Nebraska and west central Nebraska. Major ... Tennessee, Nebraska, Texas, southwest Iowa and northwest Missouri. There is some production in Ohio ...

  8. Deciphering preplant dicamba labels and tank mixtures

    include only the specific herbicides listed on the label. 2) When using one of the new dicamba products, ...

  9. FABE7890

    245 Introduction to seminar; Informal discussions   Tuesday, January 12, 2016- 1:30pm to 3:00pm ...

  10. 2014 Corn, Soybean, Wheat and Alfalfa Field Guide Available for Fall Evaluations

    is the Corn, Soybean, Wheat and Alfalfa Field Guide- updated and in a new format this year- will help ...
