
Search results

  1. Recently Published

    176:88-97. McCutcheon JS, Morton LW, Zerby HN, Loerch SC, Miller L, Fluharty FL. 2015. Ohio livestock ...

  2. Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser – Pre-Vet Club

    OSU Pre-Vet Club is hosting a Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser October 17- October 18 from 11am-2am. Come out to Buffalo Wild Wings, watch football, and eat wings! Show our flyer and 10% of the proceeds will go toward OSU Pre-Vet Club!! The flyer can be show ...

  3. Statewide Sheep Shearing School 2012

    many of the sheep shearing schools in Ohio for many years.  Registration forms can be located at ... or by calling the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association office at 614-246-8299. Lunch will be ... Statewide Sheep Shearing School is sponsored by the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association and Ohio State ...

  4. Apply to Towers

    Towers Agricultural Honorary is once again accepting applications for membership in their Honorary organization. Online Application for admission to Towers closes on Oct. 17 at 5pm. If you have any questions please contact: Aislinn Latham at latham.112@os ...

  5. CFAES Recognition Banquet

    CFAES Recognition Banquet will be held in the Ohio Union, Archie Griffin Ballroom.  The CFAES ...

  6. TWEL Andrew Kniowski Thesis

    in Pickaway Co. Ohio USA, I captured 60 Indiana bats (including five recaptured bats) July–September ...

  7. Theses and Dissertations

    in southern Ohio.  Non-thesis MS.  Advisor: Anne Dorrance Xu, Xiulan 2010 PhD Plant Pathology ... of an Ohio isolate of Melon necrotic spot virus and its vector, Olpidium bornovanus, collected from ... characterization, differential movement and construciton of infectious cDNA colones of an Ohio isolate of Hosta ...

  8. Meat Science Students Create New Products

    MEATSCI 4510 students once again tickled the taste buds with tasty meat products. ...

  9. 21st Annual Denman Forum and new Spring Undergraduate Research Expo


  10. Preparing for Ethnic Holidays 2014

    opportunity.  Maine, Maryland and Ohio received funding from ASI’s Let’s Grow campaign in 2013 for this effort.  ...
