
Search results

  1. Steering committee named for Vice President’s Conversation on Extension for a 2nd Century

    During his Dec. 20, 2013, webinar, Vice President and Dean Bruce McPheron announced the formation of a steering committee that will provide leadership for the Vice President’s Conversation on Extension for a 2nd Century. The members of the steering commit ...

  2. Where to go for all the CFAES policies, resources and support materials you need

    In an effort to provide a single location for faculty and staff to locate policies, resources and support materials, the CFAES Faculty/Staff Resources page is being updated. During the month of December, CFAES Communications will be launching updated page ...

  3. SENR's Rattan Lal named Rothamsted Fellow

    Congratulations to Rattan Lal, School of Environment and Natural Resources, who on Oct. 7 was conferred the honorary title of Rothamsted Fellow. He attended the ceremony at  Rothamsted Research, UK, and toured the center as part of his visit. He was the o ...

  4. College Faculty Approves Professional Practice Faculty Track

    In a recent vote, a majority (184, yes; 29, no) of the eligible tenure-track faculty of CFAES voted to approve the proposal to establish a professional practice (i.e., clinical) faculty track, as discussed in the Sept. 3 all-faculty meeting. The proposal ...

  5. Rattan Lal named UN Global Dryland Champion

    CFAES's  Rattan Lal  has been chosen as one of the first Global Dryland Champions by the  United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.  The honor, according to a letter by Luc Gnacadja of Benin, the convention's executive secretary, reco ...

  6. UnDIPsputed Championship

    Towers Agricultural Honorary would like to invite you to the "UnDIPsputed Championship” competition. This is an event for CFAES faculty, staff, and students to show off their tailgating skills and serve their best dip! Come out to try an unlimited va ...

  7. Ohio State Veterinary Medicine Prerequisite Changes

    Those planning to apply to OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine in Autumn of 2015 (and beyond) should note the changes on their website. As an update to the list of changes, AGCOMM 3130 will be allowed as a substitution for COMM 2110 and ANIM SCI 3140 wil ...

  8. Meat Judging Contest

    Join the Department of Animal Sciences in the First Annual Buckeye Classic Meat Judging Contest, Thursday, November 5 from 6-8:15pm. Students can judge individually or as a team of four (clubs and organizations welcome) from 6-7pm with dinner following di ...

  9. Buckeye Royal

    Looking for an excuse to visit the OSU Waterman Dairy Farm and frolic with some dairy cows? The Buckeye Dairy Club invites you to participate in their annual showmanship contest, the Buckeye Royal, on Friday, October 23 at 5:00 p.m. Buckeye Royal is FREE ...

  10. OSU Students in Borlaug Summer Institute

    Godwill Chewachong, Matthew Kost and Brian Pace were among 35 graduate students selected from across the U.S. to participate in the Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security at Purdue University, May 28-June 8, 2013. Chewachong is a Plant Pathology ...
