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CORN EAR ROTS: How to Tell Them Apart and Know the Risk
rot (Diplodia, Gibberella, and Fusarium) usually affect corn in Ohio, and these differ from each other ...
Weed Identification Resources - good arrangement and labeling http://www.oardc.ohio ...
SE Ohio Hay Day, Noble County
Recently Published
176:88-97. McCutcheon JS, Morton LW, Zerby HN, Loerch SC, Miller L, Fluharty FL. 2015. Ohio livestock ...
Horsemen's Association Meeting
On Tuesday November 1s t, OSU Horsemen's Association will have their next meeting at OSU horse barn. Come learn about horse health while working directly with horses! We will have a carpool leaving at 6:00 pm in front of Plumb Hall. As always pizza w ...
Ohio Beef Expo
Meat Science Students Create New Products
It's that time of year...time for tasting the final products created by MEATSCI 4510 students. This year's menu included a variety of tasty items developed and produced by student teams. ...
Coffee Hour with Citation Needed
Let’s talk about GMO’s! Are they good or bad? Are they healthy or dangerous? Why do we use them? Join Citation Needed for an engaging discussion about this controversial topic in food and agriculture! Bring your questions and opinions. They will provide t ...
Meat Science Students Create New Products
MEATSCI 4510 students once again tickled the taste buds with tasty meat products. ...
21st Annual Denman Forum and new Spring Undergraduate Research Expo