
Search results

  1. Nest Survival of Urban-adapted Songbirds in Residential Yards and Adjacent Forest Parks

    residential yards in seven neighborhoods in Franklin County, Ohio between 2011 and 2014. We found Northern ...

  2. Emissions from Energy: Environment, Health, and Legislation- a presentation and round-table brown-bag discussion

    Affairs, The Ohio State University   This seminar will begin with a presentation about the extent to which ...

  3. Processed Meats Product Show MEATSCI 4510

    Come taste the final products created by MEATSCI 4510 students! A variety of meat products were developed and will be produced by student teams. All products are USDA inspected and are properly labeled. Students developed a HACCP safety plan and a marketi ...

  4. FAES & Construction Career Expo

    companies. The location has moved to the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center and you can download ...

  5. Join the Research Conversation

    "hear" this conversation and how to join in- right here at Ohio State- in this interactive session from ...

  6. Dr. Peter Neville hosted by Paws for a Cause

    companion animal therapist, at its next meeting. Dr. Neville will speak about his work. Anyone from the Ohio ... professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University and a clinical professor at the ...

  7. News


  8. Horsemen's Association Meeting

    The next OSU Horsemen's Association meeting will be Tuesday November 15th at 6pm in 102 Plumb Hall. We will have the privileged of having a PATH certified equine assisted therapist discuss her experience in this growing field. As always pizza will be ...

  9. School of Earth Sciences Mini-Symposium Film Festival

    conducted in Ohio on the effects of ocean acidification and elevated temperature on corals. 10:15- 10:40 ...

  10. Jennifer Malpass' Defense Seminar

    cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis) in seven suburban neighborhoods in the Columbus, Ohio metropolitan area. ...
