
Search results

  1. Volunteer with CFAES to Spruce Up a Children's Garden- Columbus, Ohio

    Buckeyes are mobilizing to make April the biggest Month of Service to date all over the country.  There are several volunteer opportunities already listed, and more are added everyday.  The CFAES Alumni Society is organizing a volunteer project at the Hig ...

  2. Part-time BEEFonomics Positions

    The Ohio Beef Council is offering a few part-time positions for juniors, seniors or recently ...

  3. Stone Lab Guest Lecture, Put-in-Bay

    Ohio State University: A Leader in Sustainability. ...

  4. Recognizing 100 Years of OSU Extension

    Dean McPheron gives an overview of Ohio State University Extension. ...

  5. Animal Welfare and Behavior Club

    animal welfare to the students at Ohio State University and the public through use of guest speakers, ...

  6. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Field Training

    timing, placement and source. Please find full agenda and registration information here. CCA and CLM ...

  7. New CFAES LinkedIn Group

    Please join the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences' newly launched LinkedIn group!  The group is open to current and retired faculty and staff, alumni, students, donors, volunteers, and friends of the college. This is a great s ...

  8. The Ohio Academy of Science Annual Meeting

    The Annual Meeting will be held on April 16, 2016 at Ohio University. “In an effort to include ... abstracts will not be peer-reviewed by OAS, the abstracts will not be in The Ohio Journal of Science version ...

  9. Student Profile: Miranda McClendon

    Miranda talks about her decision to come to The Ohio State University, and about the great ...

  10. Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop, Sharonville

    Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop  features the latest tools and techniques for ...
