
Search results

  1. OARDC publication wins national award

    The 2012 SEEDS Report of Progress last month won first place in the Production/Digital Color category in a competition held during the annual conference of the Association of College and University Printers. Published by OARDC's SEEDS competitive gra ...

  2. CFAES holds clothing drive for children in Honduras

    After a visit to  Choluteca, Honduras,  in April 2013, Jamie Cano,  Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership  (ACEL), and Warren Tyler Agner, a Ph.D. student in Agricultural and Extension Education, decided to launch a clothing ...

  3. Use Glyphosate Properly to Protect Woody Plants

    June 17, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Glyphosate products, such as Roundup, may be a killer on weeds, but ... an Ohio State University Extension nursery and landscape specialist, said that glyphosate applied ... percent of finished inventory," said Mathers, who also holds an appointment with the Ohio ...

  4. Chadwick Winter Walk

    Join Towers Agricultural Honorary for their 2nd annual event on CFAES campus! We are illuminating a beautiful path in the Chadwick Arboretum for students, faculty, and staff to enjoy together before we depart for winter break. With the opportunity to enjo ...

  5. Agribusinesses, Farmers Urged to Enforce Security Measures

    October 5, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Farmers, product dealers and equipment manufacturers are ... and businesses to enforce a variety of security measures. Joanne Kick-Raack, Ohio State University ...

  6. Ohio Sheep Day


  7. Steering committee named for Vice President’s Conversation on Extension for a 2nd Century

    During his Dec. 20, 2013, webinar, Vice President and Dean Bruce McPheron announced the formation of a steering committee that will provide leadership for the Vice President’s Conversation on Extension for a 2nd Century. The members of the steering commit ...

  8. Agriculture Attractive But Not So Convenient Terrorist Target

    March 27, 2003 COLUMBUS, Ohio — U.S. agriculture may be an attractive target for terrorist ... Luther Tweeten, an Ohio State University professor emeritus of agricultural trade and policy. “On the ...

  9. Where to go for all the CFAES policies, resources and support materials you need

    In an effort to provide a single location for faculty and staff to locate policies, resources and support materials, the CFAES Faculty/Staff Resources page is being updated. During the month of December, CFAES Communications will be launching updated page ...

  10. SENR's Rattan Lal named Rothamsted Fellow

    Congratulations to Rattan Lal, School of Environment and Natural Resources, who on Oct. 7 was conferred the honorary title of Rothamsted Fellow. He attended the ceremony at  Rothamsted Research, UK, and toured the center as part of his visit. He was the o ...
