
Search results

  1. Pork Prospect Event

    on Tuesday October 22 nd  to host Swine Discovery Day from 12-6 pm.  For more information, see ...

  2. Ian Lastoria Fischer

    Florence Sessoms, Professor Dr. Yu Ma, and Professor Devin Peterson on a project exploring the feasibility ...

  3. Graduate Research Assistantship- Animal behavior and welfare

    The Animal Welfare & Ethology Research (AWER) Lab at The Ohio State University is seeking ... for more information. ...

  4. ST Genetics Positions

    ST genetics Ohio Heifer Center, located in South Charleston, has some great opportunities for full ...

  5. Sumita Sen

    multi-crop systems using field scale research in Ohio. We are studying the effects of crop production ...

  6. Production of Specialty Small Grains in Ohio

    Crop Science, The Ohio State University In Ohio, soft red winter wheat is the predominantly produced ... 2023). Although soft red winter wheat is commonly produced by farmers in Ohio, interest in other classes ... Agricultural Research Station in Wood County, Ohio, to compare soft red winter wheat yield with specialty small ...

  7. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    VME-1037 Veterinary Preventive Medicine 02/15/2022 Scott P. Kenney, PhD, Assistant Professor, Ohio ... Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University Extension, Wooster The flu is a contagious ... quarantine and screen flocks that are near or linked to the infected flock. If the virus is detected, these ...

  8. Career Fair Prep Sessions

    following week (September 17th), there will be a virtual session on zoom from 6-7 pm.  For more information ...

  9. Dr. Ram Yadav

    volleyball, travel, and explore new places and cultures.  - Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report ... priorities, and help update the Midwestern fruits and vegetable production guides. I also plan on testing new ...

  10. Dr. Osler Ortez Selected for the STARS Cohort

    systems. Develop a Research Action Plan to better inform my upcoming years at Ohio State. An opportunity to ... time... What are you most looking forward to as you join the STARS cohort? With about 2.5 years at Ohio ... do at Ohio State.  How do you anticipate STARS will help you grow as a research leader? I envision ...
