
Search results

  1. Grad School 101: Application Dos and Don’ts

    Learn from Cyndi Freeman, senior director of recruitment and diversity at The Ohio State ...

  2. Columbus Zoo Mock Interviews

    Attend a Mock Interview with Columbus Zoo on  Friday, April 6. Experience an in person interview and receive personalized feedback and advice on your interview skills. All mock interviews take place in the CFAES Library. Sign up through  Hireabuckeye. Sea ...

  3. Department Roundup 2015 08 18

    they will go in the next version. HELPFUL LINKS: Ongoing Training for Faculty and Staff at Ohio State ...

  4. Coffee Hour with Citation Needed

    Let’s discuss the film “Okja”! Are the messages in “Okja” accurate? Do they damage the reputation of farmers and livestock producers? Join Citation Needed and an expert animal scientist for an engaging discussion about this film. Bring your questions and ...

  5. Quarter Horse Honor for Ohio State

    The American Quarter Horse Association recognized The Ohio State University for 50 cumulative ...

  6. Animal Sciences Study Abroad

    Reasons to Study Abroad: Earn academic credit. Any study abroad program will help you meet graduation requirements if you plan ahead. Build your knowledge about animals and how different cultures care for and use them. Gain cross-cultural awareness to bet ...

  7. CFAES Spring Job Shadow

    There is a job shadowing opportunity for students on March 23 from 9AM-4:30PM. RSVP on  Hireabuckeye  under 'Workshops' by March 16. Students will be exposed to numerous presentations about the organization and what our job duties entail. The pr ...

  8. Joint Veterinary Technology Program Mandatory Information Session

    College?   Please plan to attend the information session on Thursday, Sept. 12th at 5:00 pm in Plumb Hall ...

  9. Unique Employment Opportunity

    Avery Animal Hospital is a busy, five doctor veterinary practice in Hilliard, Ohio. This is an ...

  10. Wexner Medical Center and James Cancer Hospital Tour

    Undergraduate students: You’re Invited! Pharmacy Career Services has partnered with the Wexner Medical Center/James Cancer Hospital to provide a unique learning experience for BSPS & other undergraduate students to tour the facility and meet pharmacy ...
