
Search results

  1. 2024 Master Gardener Volunteer State Conference

    Spotted Lanternfly is in the news and continues to spread across Ohio. How can your county’s MGV Program ... pleasure of speaking to hundreds of thousands of gardeners from across the world, helping them grow the ... around Your Yard,, been featured on national tv shows such as Growing a Greener World and been ...

  2. Celebrate the Westerville Autumn Arborfest with the BUGmobile

    cities nationwide named a five-time Tree Cities of the World designee. The event features environmental ...

  3. Spring Break 2025 Global Education

    in Darwin's World and Ours Scotland's Ruminants   If you have any questions, email Ryan ...

  4. Growing Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) in Ohio

    2021). According to an Iowa State University news release, harvesting of Aronia fruit is based on the ...

  5. 2024 Agriculture Hall of Fame Inductees Announced

    of his community, not only in the banking world, but in Fulton County where he lives and farms. He ...

  6. Spread Kindness Campaign

    This campaign reinforces the CFAES Principles of Community to create a home where all are welcome and feel safe. Throughout the week we will have activities for students to engage in conversations with faculty and staff, to pledge to uphold the CFAES Prin ...

  7. Family Day Volunteers Sought

    We are looking for volunteers to help us with some things and would be truly grateful if you could join us for some or all the event. ...

  8. D. Elder and Nathan Crook Facilitate Digital Connectivity in Ghana

    Dr. Elder and Dr. Crook are engaged in a Digital Connectivity project in 12 schools with a combined enrollment of over 4000 students. ...

  9. Student Spotlight: Alex Babinski and the Ecological Engineering Society

    world experience, such as proposal writing, analysis, planning, as well as working with master gardeners ...

  10. Don’t Learn Safety by Accident

    occurring.   Re-evaluating our view of accidents A good characteristic about humans, is that we can train our ... this also applies to how we view the word accident. Changing our perspective on accidents can lead to ...
