
Search results

  1. Sumita Sen

    Lab is perfect for me to develop and express my ideas, learn from exceptional people, conduct critical ...

  2. Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly

    walnut, maple, and wild grape (Murman et al., 2020). SLF can survive exclusively on cultivated grapes. ... receive advice or a diagnotic ID, contact th e Ohio State Plant & Pest Diagnostic Center (PPDC) ...

  3. Dr. Radin Sadre Selected for the STARS Cohort

    time... What are you most looking forward to as you join the STARS cohort? As I am naturally curious, ... colleagues from other disciplines, which can be helpful in approaching project ideas from a different angle. ...

  4. Art with Arthropods at the United Titanium Bug Zoo

    into the 6x6 show in October at the Wayne Center for the Arts. Proceeds from pieces sold during that ... show will be split between the arts center and the bug zoo. You can learn more about the 6x6 show ...

  5. Community Paint Out With Artist Mah Leah Cochran & OSU BUGmobile

    speciments of bees and wasps, to name just a few things you can learn about. Grange Insurance Audubon Center ...

  6. WestFest Science & Sustainability

    Center, Bevis Hall, Rightmire Hall, and Pressey Hall. WestFest Partners and Tours Guests will have the ...

  7. Seun Oladipupo

    endosymbionts for managing urban insects. His research has been highlighted by popular news outlets such as ...

  8. Joanna Moine

    a technician but wanted to learn more about the field! It was a very natural transition.- Any- Journal article ...

  9. Lily Thompson

    ornamental crops, particularly those in the Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center. When did you start working for ...

  10. BUGmobile joins the Franklin County Metroparks Butterfly Weekend

    by the nature center 10am-1pm Labor Day Weekend. We will have a daily puppet show, crafts, games, ...
