
Search results

  1. MG Coffee Series- Soil Amendments

    Soil Amendments: What is in all those bags at the garden center and what do they do? So many ... choices! Learn what your garden really needs before the enticing garden centers lure us in at the first ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Conference / Plowboy Prom

    Attend Sessions and Luncheon from 9 am- 4 pm. Dinner 4-6 pm. Plowboy Prom at the Ohio 4-H Center from 6- ...

  3. Agriculture/Natural Resources Tax Issues Workshop

    Anyone who works with agricultural taxes is invited to attend the agriculture and natural ...

  4. Chocolate and Your Health

    chocolate quickly became a fashionable drink throughout Europe. Naturally, history may not be your top ...

  5. Outdoor Activities Can Lead to Healthier Kids

    a healthy weight. ·       Exposure to nature can reduce stress levels by as much as 28% in children. ·       ... Even a 20 minute walk in nature can help children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ... unstructured outdoor activity over recent decades. ·       Nature Deficit Disorder was coined by author Richard ...

  6. Graduation Party Prep

    40 degrees.  Think creatively to keep your food safe see if any ideas below might help: *Use a large ...

  7. Corn Planting: Soil Conditions and Nitrogen Application Rates

    Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and ...

  8. Workshop for Natural Resource Pros Will Give Intro to QGIS

    Windows. The workshop is for anyone who studies or works with natural resources, including forests, ... Alexis Londo, a lecturer in the college’s School of Environment and Natural Resources. She teaches ...

  9. Tools for Consistent Calf Nutrition and Health

    Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and ...

  10. Ohio Certified Volunteeer Naturalists (OCVN) Program- Owls

    Society Jim Kerr, Beaver Creek Wildlife Education Center Click HERE for registration and complete flyer.     ...
