
Search results

  1. Publications, Extension Products, and Courses

    Individual Studies, Graduate, 1–6 units (1 student) ENTMLGY 7910 Nature and Practice of Science, 2 units (10 ...

  2. EDUCST 5194: Procrastinate No More!

    Has procrastination become an issue? T he Dennis Learning Center's 1-credit online course  ...

  3. Pollinator Education Programs

    skills of community scientists interested in wild bee conservation. Participants from across the country ... recordings on The Bee Short Course webpage. Upcoming Webinar Series Tending Nature: Native Plants and Every ... Tending Nature  webpage.  ...

  4. News and Events

    organizational partners. Button context:  ema " style="text-align: center; text-decoration: ... style="text-align: center; text-decoration: none;"> Watch Now Heading:  Ohio State Hosts Grand Opening for ... research on the ground. Button context:  u dot osu page " style="text-align: center ...

  5. Research

    intelligence to identify unique chemicals derived from natural products that are toxic and repellent to ... lead to novel control tactics. We are also studying the microbes (e.g., bacteria, fungi) that naturally ... extension activities help protect Ohioans, their companion animals, and livestock. Our new, natural ...

  6. Free Webinar: Intro to Nature Journaling with John Muir Laws

    Monday, April 12 th  at 3PM. Jack will be sharing ideas and techniques for using a nature journal, with ... about the power of nature journaling. You’re invited to a free webinar  Intro to Nature Journaling  on ... a focus on capturing the developing stages of nature through the seasons and over time.  Learn more about ...

  7. KX Feature with Graduate Student Iliana Moore- Science Happens Here: Supporting native bees in urban spaces

    Moore, a graduate student in the Department of Entomology in the School of Environment and Natural ...

  8. KX Feature with Graduate Student Liam Whiteman- Science Happens Here: Honey bee diseases

    and Natural Resources Laboratory. Topics:  Agriculture & Farming,  Diseases & Parasites,  ...

  9. Careers

    natural resource protection and conservation, and government agencies. Students that earn Master’s degrees ... educate pesticide applicators. State Departments of Natural Resources: Departments of Natural Resources ... on protection of natural resources such as forests, lakes, and rivers, as well as the plants and ...

  10. Hope IS a Strategy

    producers try to be, mother nature does not always cooperate. So, after the preparation is done, most ...
