
Search results

  1. Gabriella J. Gephart

    product development. Gabriella reflected that, “Not many students can conceptualize an idea, develop it, ...

  2. Isabel C. Delamater

    development of a prototype and sales pitch that challenged students to explain and promote their ideas with ...

  3. Ashley Leach, PhD

    over pests: wild bees are more important than beetle damage for watermelon yield. Proc. R. Soc. ... REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Leach, A. and Kaplan, I. 2022. Prioritizing pollinators over pests: wild bees are ...

  4. Stridulations

    our tradition of excellence this autumn semester, evidenced by the news articles posted to our website ...

  5. Art with Arthropods at the UTBZ

    which will be entered into the 6x6 show in October at the Wayne Center for the Arts. Proceeds from ... pieces sold during that show will be split between the arts center and the bug zoo. You can learn more ... canvas This session will be held at the Wayne Center for the Arts, where their talented instructors will ...

  6. December 2023 Department Highlights

    a USDA NIFA research project. The Food Industries Center trained FDA, NOAA, U.S. Army, and state ... 4-5 pm Parker Food Science 118 March 5-8                    Food Industries Center Training Course ...

  7. October 2023 Highlights

    hear about career opportunities in the dairy industry. Dairy Digressions, a podcast of the American ... Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology, and Medical Dietetics. On October 4 – 6, the Food Industries Center ... foods. The Food Industries Center recently held the Cleaning and Sanitation Basics + Advanced CIP ...

  8. Two FABE faculty awarded Global Gateways Initiative grants

    in riparian areas. Recognizing the global nature of riparian forest loss, Miralha's project in ...

  9. IDEA Committee

    In 2020, the IDEA committee was formed within the department. IDEA stands for Inclusion, ... Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy. The mission of the IDEA committee is to create and sustain a culture of ... IDEA Committee has hosted an annual potluck lunch on Reading Day each year. FST faculty, staff, and ...

  10. 2019 Award Winners

    Evans  Agriscience Education    Lee Johnston Leadership Award  Rylie MacDonald  Natural Resource ... Margaret Borders  Environment and Natural Resources    CFAES Internship Award  Stephanie Scoggins  Food ... MS Consultants  Nominated by School of Environment and Natural Resources  Meritorious Service to ...
